5 occasions to wear slipper socks

Posted by SOCKSHOP

When you picture slipper socks, they’re usually firmly pulled over cold feet in front of a warming fireplace in the middle of winter. But this versatile footwear can be worn year round and – unlike actual slippers – can easily be chucked into a washing machine when dirty.
Slipper Socks

Here are 5 situations where slipper socks can thrive…

While we tend to go camping in the summer, the nights and early mornings can still get cold. Pack your slipper socks and you’ll have warm toes all night long and they can be kept on in the morning as you potter around getting the stove ready for a pot of coffee.

They’re much easier to throw on (or keep on) in the morning than a pair of shoes and, if you do get hot at night, you can simply take them off.

One of the joys of summer is BBQs and the long summer evenings. Once the flames have died down to embers, and the sun starts to very slowly set, the temperature outside also starts to dip. But you won’t want to be heading inside just yet – there’s still a few hours of light left and at least one bottle of wine to share with your friends and family.

Bring out your warm jumper or woollen throw with a pair of slipper socks to keep you cosy late into the night, as the stars appear overhead.

Patios and tiled floors

Even on warm summer days, that wonderful tiled floor you have in your bathroom or kitchen could be cold under foot. Avoid getting cold toes with a pair of slipper socks by the bed.

They even work when you’re on holiday. Many hotels, apartments and holiday homes in places like France and Spain will have terracotta tiles, which even during the summer can be cool. And many slipper socks have the added benefit of including anti-slip soles, so you can negotiate unfamiliar tiled stairs easily.

After a bath
A long soak in the bath might be just what you need after a hard day at work, working out at the gym or running around looking after little ones.

But getting out and into your clothes again takes the shine off a bit – especially if it’s a pair of sweaty socks. Instead, get your dressing gown on with a pair of slipper socks. This will keep you warm and cosy until bed time.

At school
It might sound a little strange but a primary school in Derby has asked its kids to ditch their shoes in the classroom, with many wearing slipper socks instead.

A study found that allowing pupils to remove their shoes helped them to engage better in class. And the lack of hard shoes meant that cleaning costs at the schools were lower, furniture lasted longer and with clean floors you need less furniture.

For adults, consider taking your slipper socks into university with you and sticking them on during lectures or seminars to help you feel more relaxed.


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