5 ways to perk up your mornings

Posted by SOCKSHOP

If you’re the type who hits the snooze button instead of jumping out of bed, why not turn over a new leaf in 2019 with a brand-new wake-up routine?

5 ways to perk up your mornings

Don’t fight nature
The world is full of celebrities claiming they’re only successful because they wake up at some ridiculously early hour. But just because it works for Michelle Obama doesn’t mean it’s going to work for you. We’re all programmed differently and while some of us are naturally early risers, others get their best work done after midnight. So, if waking up at the crack of dawn doesn’t suit you then don’t fight nature! Find a wake-up time that works for you and stick to it.

Light up your life
Letting natural light flood into your bedroom in the morning is an excellent way to get you up and ready for the day ahead, so open up those curtains and let sunshine do the hard work for you. And these days there are even ways you can keep the ‘natural’ light shining through the long winter months, too, by investing in a ‘wake-up’ light that replicates the sunrise in your bedroom.

Top up your fluids
Drinking a tall glass of water (around 500ml) after you get out of bed is one of the best things you can do after waking up. Not only will it help rehydrate you after sleeping, it’ll fire up your metabolism, flush out any toxins and help kick-start your brain. And try and stay away from too much caffeine if you can help it. A cup of coffee can be great if you need to be woken up with a figurative slap around the face but training your body to wake up without your morning macchiato will make you feel better in the long run.

5 ways to perk up your mornings

Work up a sweat
Studies have found that working up a sweat first thing can improve our focus and mental abilities throughout the day, meaning you’re more productive at the office. A morning workout can also help you sleep better as your body naturally fatigues during the day, meaning you’ll be ready to hit the hay at bedtime. And if you’re trying to stick to a workout routine, it’s also much less likely to be disrupted if you choose to exercise in the morning — unless you keep hitting that snooze button!

Create a routine — and stick to it
No matter how you’re trying to boost your mornings, the most important thing you can do is establish a routine that works for you. Whether you hit the gym at 6am or do sun salutations on your yoga mat, a routine will enable your body to adjust to your new schedule, making it easier for you to wake up right. To make it even easier, try and stick to your wake-up routine on your days off, too — you’ll be surprised at how easy it is once your routine is in place!


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