Cotton is a soft and heat-resistant vegetable fibre used in garments since 3,000 B.C. Cotton absorbs and retains moisture, and is readily washable.
In active sports socks, cotton moves sweat away from the foot, transporting through the sock top or to shoe surfaces where it can evaporate. This is important in strenuous sports use because sweat-soaked socks become hard and matted, ultimately causing discomfort and contributing to the possibility of blistering.
Cotton is the premier fibre in socks and is preferred by many consumers as it has abrasion resistance, excellent shape-keeping resilience and above all, it is a natural fibre.
Like other fibres, cotton has several family members, including mercerised cotton. Mercerisation is a process which removes stray yarns from the fibre, giving it a smoother feel and a sheen-like appearance.